2.1 Guidelines for abstract preparation
4. Oral Presentation and Walter Colli Award
6. Annual Fees and Registration
1. How to Register
The participant must fill in all the fields of the Online Registration Form.
Participants already registered in the system: access the registration form on the website www.sbpz.org.br, click on ANNUAL MEETINGS -> NEXT EVENT -> REGISTRATION AND SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS and fill in the login details (e-mail) and password.
Participants without registration in the system: access the registration form on the website www.sbpz.org.br, click on ANNUAL MEETINGS –> NEXT EVENT -> REGISTRATION AND SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS and click on “I AM NOT REGISTERED YET” and fill in the required fields.
Affiliation to SBPz: Participants who want to become affiliated must fill out the affiliation form, in Associe-se, before registering and send it signed to sbpz@sbpz.org.br.
Try to register and submit your abstract on the Internet in advance to avoid server congestion!
You will receive an e-mail with the confirmation of your registration.
When accessing the participant area, you will be able to view or edit the following menus:
MY PROFILE – must be used to update registration data;
REGISTRATION – register for the congress;
WORKS – for submission of works and viewing of works that appear as a co-author.
2. Abstract Submission
The payment of the registration fee entitles the submission of up to 2 (two) abstracts to be presented by the registered author. Co-authors of the abstract who wish to participate in the congress must also register and pay the registration fee, but they do not need to re-send the abstract.
All papers, whether invited or not, must be submitted in electronic format, according to the instructions. All accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstracts Book online.
2. 1. Guidelines for abstract preparation
The abstract must be submitted online from: www.sbpz.org.br, by clicking on ANNUAL MEETING – NEXT EVENT and REGISTRATION/ABSTRACT SUBMISSION.
Completion of abstract submission requires 5 steps:
A. Access to the system:
Inform the email and password previously chosen in the registration form and select “Abstract”.
B. Rule
Read the rules and click on CONTINUE.
C. Abstracts
Click on:
- CONTINUE to submit a new abstract;
- CHANGE to edit your abstract;
- EDIT AUTHOR to include, to edit or exclude;
D. Authors
Insert authors in the respective fields in the same order as they appear in the abstract.
Click on ADD ANOTHER AUTHOR until you have completed the authors of your abstract. If the author is already registered in our database, start typing in the name in “Author’s name” and the system will bring up options. The order of authorship can be changed as soon as new authors are registered, by selecting the “Author Position” field.
- Number the Authors’ display order;
- Main author equals first author;
- Indicate the presenter;
- Fill in the Institution, city, state and country fields for each author.
The first author that will appear will be the name of the person submitting the abstract.
The full name, passport number and e-mail of each author will be asked.
Remember to insert all the authors!
F. Abstract Submission
- Number the order of exhibition of the authors in the field above the name of each author;
The first author (principal author) must be zero. - Indicate the presenting author;
- Fill in the Institution, City and Country fields of each author;
- Enter the title;
Title size is limited to 255 characters with space. - Select your preference to the presentation: Poster or Oral
After the evaluation the Scientific Advisory Board will define which type of presentation will be. More information about poster and oral presentation, see the items 3 or 4 this manual. - Select the category;
- Insert funding agency;
- Enter the abstract and use the toolbar to format words or to insert special characters.
The abstract text must be written in English and is limited to 2,000 (two Thousand) characters with space; - Insert three key words;
- Confirm the data of your abstract and click on SAVE.
2. 2. Analysis of the abstract
The abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Advisory Board for poster or oral presentations.
The Abstracts will be analyzed and the following points will be considered:
- Subject adequation to the meeting ;
- The scientific content of the abstract;
- Originality and relevance of results ;
- All abstracts must include objectives, results and conclusions.
Will not be accepted: - Abstracts in Portuguese (or other language than English);
- Abstracts in Portuguese (or other language than English);
- Abstracts that lack consistency with vague aims, results and conclusion;
- Abstracts which are unclear, or describe research that is not relevant and original.
The notification of the approval or refusal will be published in the restricted online area.
Results of analysis will be available in the restricte area in “My abstracts”.
3. Presentation of the Poster
- The poster must contain the authors’ title, name and affiliation;
- The title of the poster must be the same as the accepted abstract;
- The poster must be written in English;
- Measure: 0.90m x 1.20m (width x height) with string for hanging;
- They should include: objectives, methodology, results and conclusions.
- Presentation of the poster is MANDATORY.
- ALL posters must be posted on Tuesday, starting at 9 am and must remain on display throughout the congress.
- On Tuesday the works that received odd numbers will be presented and on Wednesday those with even numbers.
- The poster number and presentation location will be available in the restricted area under “My Works” and also displayed in the online abstract book;
- SBPz is not responsible for work not taken or lost;
- The panels will be visited by one or more members of the evaluation committee pre-selected by the SBPz. These members may or may not identify themselves.
- The criteria evaluated are: quality of work and presentation, ability of the presenter to insert his work in the specific literature.
3. 1. Zigman Brener Award
The panels will be visited virtually by one or more members of the evaluation committee pre-selected by the SBPz.
The criteria evaluated are: quality of work and presentation, ability of the presenter to insert their work in the specific literature.
Apply for Zigman Brener Award of the best scientific poster:
- Abstracts whose presenter and the principal author (number zero) are the same person with the registration paid until July, 30th.
- IC, Masters, Doctorate or Postdoc presenters (categories to be awarded).
NOT apply for the Zigman Brener Award:
- Abstracts with Professionals or whose author changes the presenter after the deadline;
4. Oral Presentation and Walter Colli Award
The presentation must be in English;
SBPz will select presentations among the submitted abstracts for Platform sessions.
The corresponding author of the poster selected for oral presentation will be notified by email and must respond agreeing or not with this form of presentation.
The abstracts presented orally do not apply for the Zigman Brener Award.
All abstracts selected for oral presentation will apply for the Walter Colli Award. 1(one) abstract will be chosen per session.
Abstracts selected for platform presentation CAN NOT be displayed as posters.
5. Deadlines
- Early registration payment will be accepted until August 09, 2024.
- Late registrations after August 09, 2024, will not receive a discount value.
- Early registration payment will be accepted until August 09, 2024.
- To cancel your registration, send a request until August 09,2024, by e-mail (sbpz@sbpz.org.br), and inform the number of your registration, full name and data for your checking bank account deposit. In this case 60% of the value of registration will be returned.
- After this date, there will be no refund.
- REGISTRATIONS NOT PAID UNTIL August 20th,2024 will have their ABSTRACTS CANCELED without warning.
- Registration changes are NOT allowed!
- Any request for information, registration or abstract cancellations must be sent to sbpz@sbpz.org.br with the registration number and full name of the presenting author.
6. Annual Fees and Registration
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